
 キリスト教/東方正教会/セルビア正教会は、セルビア総主教ポルフィリイェ聖下(ペーチ大主教 : ベオグラード・カルロヴツィ府主教 : His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci)は、コソボが聖下による同地訪問を禁止したことについて、セルビア共和国大統領アレクサンダル・ブチッチ閣下(ヴチッチ大統領 : His Excellency Mr Aleksandar Vučić)と会談・協議をおこないました。


Телевизија Храм:
Обраћање Патријарха Порфирија после састанка са председником Републике Србије – YouTube


Телевизија Храм:
Вести из Цркве за 27.12.2022. – YouTube


 (キリル文字セルビア語:セルビア正教会 総主教庁 公式ウェブサイト)Патријарх Порфирије: Када би папи забранили да уђе у Ватикан, свет би се дигао на ноге; Вучић: Њихова највећа срамота – Српска Православна Црква
 (ラテン文字セルビア語:セルビア共和国大統領府 公式ウェブサイト)Sastanak sa Njegovom svetošću patrijarhom srpskim gospodinom Porfirijem | Predsednik Republike Srbije


Патријарх Порфирије: Када би… – Патријарх српски Порфирије | Facebook


Hvala Njegovoj svetosti Патријарх… – Aleksandar Vučić | Facebook


 キリスト教/東方正教会/アンティオキア・東方全土総主教ヨウハンナ10世聖下(His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East)による降誕祭(クリスマス)へのメッセージが発出されています。


Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East(東方正教会アンティオキア・東方全土総主教庁 公式チャンネル):
عظة صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر في القداس الإلهي بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد الكاتدرائية المر – YouTube

عظة صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر في القداس الإلهي بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد الكاتدرائية المريمية دمشق | عظة صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر في القداس الإلهي بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد الكاتدرائية المريمية دمشق ٢٥-١٢-٢٠٢٢ #يوحنا_العاشر | By ‎Antioch Patriarchate بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس‎ | Facebook


Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East(東方正教会アンティオキア・東方全土総主教庁 公式チャンネル):
رسالة معايدة من صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد ٢٠٢٢ – YouTube

رسالة المعايدة من صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر -٢٠٢٢ | رسالة معايدة من صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر بمناسبة عيد الميلاد المجيد ٢٠٢٢ #يوحنا_العاشر | By ‎Antioch Patriarchate بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس‎ | Facebook


 (英語:東方正教会アンティオキア総主教庁 公式ウェブサイト)Pastoral Letter 2022 – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East

By the Mercy of the Almighty God John X Patriarch of Antioch and all the East My brothers, shepherds of the Holy Church of Antioch My sons and daughters, wherever present in this Holy See, "Glorify, my soul, the king born in a cave." The hymnologist addresses himself and the soul of each of us in this splendid season, the season of the Nativity of Christ. It is a call to every soul to contemplate the greatness of a Heavenly King who preferred the coldness of the cave to the lavish couches of kings. He is the unique King. The king Who despised earthly kingdoms and preferred the kingdom of the human soul, which He adored and loved and invited to His glory chamber as a glorious bride gazing at the groom of souls sending out light to the East. Christ comes to His beloved world from the manger of love. From the darkness of the cave, He appears, sending a glimmer of hope to hearts hoping for the peace of the Lord of creation. From Bethlehem, the Lord of peace and the God of mercies has come to spread His solace in the hearts of this floundering humanity. To the melody of angelic glorification, the Lord of Peace comes forth, receiving gifts from the Magi, the gifts of humanity: pure gold because He is king, frankincense because He is God, and myrrh to symbolize the suffering of death. He meets that child with meekness and humility, knocking on the door of the cave of the heart. He had previously knocked on the door of the cave of the heart of Mary, His mother, with the tongue of His angel Gabriel, at the Annunciation, when the pure Virgin Lady accepted the call of her Lord and said: "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord." We are in front of a king knocking on the door of the cave of our soul, which He only invades by the power of His love. He knocks, we hear. When knocking, He respects our will to accept or reject. He knocks humbly and asks us to exchange love for Him with full freedom, for without freedom, love would not be upright, but rather would lead to slavery that distorts the Divine image. We are in front of a King Who wanted and founded His kingdom in the soul, an internal kingdom. We are in front of a King who made His kingdom from hearts that wanted Him. We are in front of a King Who preferred the temple of human beings to the temple of stone. We offer our prayers to this King, pleading with Him to have mercy on the humanity that He loved. We ask Him to instill peace in hearts and silence the noise of wars with the power of His silence. The wandering humanity longs for Your peace, O child of the cave, and longs for Your silence, O Christ Crucified by human desires. With the Virgin Mother, we plead from the purity of your eyes, a consolation that soothes the heart of every sufferer, and we implore You to wound our souls with the sword of your mercies. We pray for the peace of the whole world. We pray for this East. We pray for Syria, for Lebanon, and for Palestine. We pray for our two brothers, the Metropolitans of Aleppo, Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi, whose case is entering its first decade amid deplorable and reprehensible international silence. We pray for those who are afflicted by the hardships of this life and for our late brothers. Many blessed returns to our children in the homeland and abroad. May God bestow upon you and the whole world days filled with blessings and lights from the Father of Lights. To him be glory and exaltation forever, Amen. Issued by our Patriarchal Headquarters in Damascus On the 20th of December… – Antioch Patriarchate بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس | Facebook


 キリスト教/東方正教会/アルバニア正教会の首座/ティラナ・ドゥラス・アルバニア全土大主教アナスタシオス座下(His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania, Primate of Albania)による降誕祭(クリスマス)へのメッセージが掲載されています。


 (アルバニア語:アルバニア正教会 公式ウェブサイト)Lutje për paqe – Kushtet paraprake – Krishtlindje 2022. – Kisha Orthodhkose Autoqefale e Shqipërisë
 (ギリシャ語:アルバニア正教会 公式ウェブサイト)Ικεσία ειρήνης – προαπαιτούμενα – Χριστούγεννα 2022. – Ορθόδοξος Αυτοκέφαλος Εκκλησία της Αλβανίας

Pjesë nga mesazhi i Kryepiskopit Anastas – Krishtlindje 2022 LUTJE PËR PAQE – KUSHTET PARAPRAKE | By Kisha Orthodhokse Autoqefale e Shqipërisë | Facebook


 キリスト教/東方正教会/ブルガリア正教会の首座/ブルガリア総主教・ソフィア府主教ネオフィット聖下(His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte【Neofit】 of Bulgaria, Metropolitan of Sofia)による、クリスマス・イヴのメッセージ動画が投稿されています。


Обръщение на Негово Светейшество Българския патриарх Неофит за Бъдни вечер – YouTube


Обръщение на Негово Светейшество Българския патриарх Неофит за Бъдни вечер | Обръщение на Негово Светейшество Българския патриарх Неофит за Бъдни вечер | By Българска православна църква – Българска патриаршия | Facebook





 キリスト教/東方正教会/ルーマニア正教会の首座/ルーマニア正教会総主教ダニエル聖下(ブカレスト大主教 : ムンテニア・ドブロジャ府主教 : His Beatitude Daniel, Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea, Locum tenens of the throne of Caesarea Cappadociae, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church)による、降誕祭と新年【2023年】へのメッセージ映像が公開されています。


 (英語【訳】)Patriarch Daniel's Christmas Encyclical 2022: Christ's Nativity unites heaven and earth – Basilica.ro


Agenţia de ştiri Basilica:
Mesajul Patriarhul Daniel de Crăciun 2022 – YouTube


Agenţia de ştiri Basilica:
Mesajul Preafericitului Părinte Patriarh Daniel de Anul Nou 2023 și Botezul Domnului – YouTube