
 2025年1月25日、キリスト教/東方正教会/アルバニア正教会の首座/ティラナ・ドゥラス・アルバニア全土大主教アナスタシオス座下(His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania, Primate of Albania)が永眠したと発表されました。

 体調悪化が伝わる中、アルバニア正教会事務局のアマンティア府主教ナサニエル座下(His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Amantia)より発表がありました。
 また、同発表中に、コルチャ府主教ヨアン座下(His Eminence Metropolitan Joan of Korça)がアルバニア正教会首座代行(Locum Tenens)に選出されたことが述べられています。


 (英語:アルバニア正教会 公式ウェブサイト)ANNOUNCEMENT – ORTHODOX AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCH OF ALBANIA HOLY SYNOD – Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania
 (アルバニア語:アルバニア正教会 公式ウェブサイト)NJOFTIM – KISHA ORTHODHOKSE AUTOQEFALE E SHQIPËRISË SINODI I SHENJTË – Kisha Orthodhkose Autoqefale e Shqipërisë
 (ギリシャ語:アルバニア正教会 公式ウェブサイト)ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΘΕΝ – ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΟΣ ΑΥΤΟΚΕΦΑΛΟΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΛΒΑΝΙΑΣ ΙΕΡΑ ΣΥΝΟΔΟΣ – Ορθόδοξος Αυτοκέφαλος Εκκλησία της Αλβανίας

 (英語:セルビア正教会総主教庁 公式ウェブサイト)Condolence Statement by Serbian Patriarch Porfirije – Serbian Orthodox Church
 (英語:アメリカ正教会【OCA】公式ウェブサイト)His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Falls Asleep in the Lord – Orthodox Church in America
 (英語:ウクライナ正教会【UOC】公式ウェブサイト)His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy has expressed condolences to the Holy Synod of the Albanian Church in relation to the passing away of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios – Ukrainian Orthodox Church
 (英語:ウクライナ正教会【UOC】公式ウェブサイト)The Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios, passed away to the Lord – Ukrainian Orthodox Church

 (英語:ルーマニア正教会通信)The End of an Era: Archbishop Anastasios of Albania's Passing – Basilica.ro

 (英語)Archbishop Anastasios of Albania Falls Asleep in the Lord; Funeral Services Scheduled for January 30 – Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE


🇬🇷 Εκοιμήθη εν Κυρίω ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Τιράνων, Δυρραχίου και πάσης Αλβανίας κυρός Αναστάσιος Η Ορθόδοξος Αυτοκέφαλος Εκκλησία της Αλβανίας με βαθύτατη οδύνη αναγγέλλει την εις Κύριον εκδημία του Μακαριωτάτου Αρχιεπισκόπου Τιράνων, Δυρραχίου και πάσης Αλβανίας κυρού Αναστασίου. Ο Μακαριώτατος εκοιμήθη σήμερα, 25 Ιανουαρίου 2025, στις 8:30 π.μ. (ώρα Ελλάδος) σε ηλικία 95 ετών, στο Νοσοκομείο "Ο Ευαγγελισμός" των Αθηνών συνεπεία πολυοργανικής ανεπαρκείας. Είχε προηγηθεί πολυήμερη νοσηλεία στο Νοσοκομείο "Υγεία" των Τιράνων. Καλούμε το χριστεπώνυμο πλήρωμα της Εκκλησίας της Αλβανίας να προσεύχεται για την ανάπαυση της ψυχής του εκλιπόντος Προκαθημένου. Ο μακαριστός Αρχιεπίσκοπος κυρός Αναστάσιος υπήρξε ο αναστηλωτής και ανακαινιστής της Ορθοδόξου Αυτοκεφάλου Εκκλησίας της Αλβανίας, την οποία ανέστησε κυριολεκτικώς εκ των ερειπίων μετά την πτώση του αθεϊστικού καθεστώτος. Με το θεόπνευστο όραμα και την ακάματη εργασία του, ανοικοδόμησε εκ βάθρων την εκκλησιαστική ζωή, ανήγειρε εκατοντάδες ναούς, συνέστησε εκπαιδευτικά και φιλανθρωπικά ιδρύματα και ανέδειξε νέο κλήρο, προσφέροντας αδιάλειπτη θυσιαστική διακονία επί 33 και πλέον έτη. Αιωνία αυτού η μνήμη! ——————– 🇦🇱 Fjeti më Zotin Kryepiskopi i Tiranës, Durrësit dhe Gjithë Shqipërisë, ANASTASI. Kisha Orthodhokse Autoqefale e Shqipërisë, me dhimbje të thellë, njofton fjetjen më Zotin të Kryepiskopit të Tiranës, Durrësit dhe të gjithë Shqipërisë, Fortlumturisë së Tij, Anastasit. Kryepiskopi ndërroi jetë sot, 25 Janar 2025, në orën 8:30 të mëngjesit, në moshën 95-vjeçare, në Spitalin "Evangelismos" të Athinës, si pasojë e funksionimit të pamjaftueshëm të shumë organeve. Më parë, ishte kuruar për disa ditë në Spitalin "Hygeia" të Tiranës. Ftojmë besimtarët orthodhoksë të Kishës së Shqipërisë të luten për prehjen e shpirtit të Kryebariut të ndjerë. Fortlumturia e Tij, Kryepiskopi Anastas, ishte rindërtuesi dhe rigjallëruesi i Kishës Orthodhokse Autoqefale të Shqipërisë, të cilën e ngriti tërësisht nga rrënojat pas rënies së regjimit ateist. Me vizionin hyjnor dhe punën e tij të palodhur, ai rindërtoi nga themelet jetën kishtare, ndërtoi qindra kisha, krijoi institucione arsimore dhe bamirëse, si dhe formoi një brez të ri klerikësh, duke ofruar një shërbesë të pandërprerë e sakrifikuese për më shumë se 33 vjet. I përjetshëm qoftë Kujtimi i tij! ———————- 🇬🇧 Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania has fallen asleep in the Lord. The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, with the deepest of sorrow, announces the falling asleep in the Lord of His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres, and All Albania. His Beatitude fell asleep in the Lord today, January 25, 2025, at 8:30 AM, at the age of 95, at “Evangelismos” Hospital in Athens, due to multiple organ failure, following a prolonged hospitalization at “Hygeia” Hospital in Tirana. We call upon the faithful of the Church of Albania *(and throughout the world) * to pray for the repose of the soul of our departed Primate. The indelible Archbishop Anastasios restored and renewed of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, which he raised from its ruins following the fall of the atheistic regime. Through his God-inspired vision and tireless labor, he rebuilt ecclesiastical life from its very foundations, erected hundreds of churches, established educational and philanthropic institutions, and educated and ordained new clergy, offering unceasing sacrificial service for over thirty-three years. May his… – Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αναστάσιος – Kryepiskopi Anastas – Archbishop Anastasios | Facebook


 2024年12月9日(10日?)、キリスト教/オリエント正教会/エリトリア正教会の第6代首座・総主教に、“アブネ”・バシロスAbune Basilos)が選出されたようです。


 (英語:エリトリア情報省?)His Holiness Abune Basilos Elected as 6th Patriarch – Eritrea Ministry Of Information

Asmara, 10 December 2024 – His Reverend Abune Basilos, Administrator of the Office of the Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church, has been elected as the 6th Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church.

 (英語:コプト正教会 公式ウェブサイト)Metropolitan Basilios Elected as Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church – Coptic Orthodox Church

 (英語)Abune Basilyos Elected as Patriarch of Eritrean Orthodox Church – Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE


XユーザーのYemane G. Meskel 🇪🇷さん: 「His Reverend Abune Basilos has been elected as the 6th Patriarch of #Eritrea's Orthodox Tewahdo Church in the election conducted today in its Head Quarters in Asmara, in accordance with the norms and regulations of the Holy Synod and the Church. The electoral board consists https://t.co/i8bf6sIlte」 / X


XユーザーのOCP®Tweetsさん: 「Abune Basilyos Elected as Patriarch of Eritrean Orthodox Church To read more: https://t.co/EylEpobS3x #AbuneBasilyos #Elected #Patriarch  #Eritrean #OrthodoxChurch #panorthodoxy #ocpnews https://t.co/xko9zhiJ4J」 / X


 2024年11月28日、キリスト教/東方正教会/コンスタンティノープルの管轄権下の自治正教会、フィンランド正教会の次期首座にオウル府主教エリア座下(His Eminence Metropolitan Elia of Oulu)が選出されたようです。

 現在の首座/ヘルシンキ・フィンランド全土大主教レオ座下(His Eminence Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and All Finland)の退任は5月に承認されていました。


 (フィンランド語版:フィンランド正教会 公式ウェブサイト)Oulun metropoliitta Elia valittu Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon arkkipiispaksi – Suomen ortodoksinen kirkko

Tässä vielä tunnelmia kuvina… – Ortodoksit Suomessa | Facebook


 (英語:ルーマニア正教会情報)Metropolitan Elia of Oulu elected Archbishop of Helsinki and All Finland – Basilica.ro


XユーザーのBasilica.ro (EN)さん: 「Metropolitan Elia of Oulu elected Archbishop of Helsinki and All Finland: A new chapter for the Orthodox Church of Finland 🇫🇮 https://t.co/fM6K2slPfX https://t.co/qZUkmcLC14」 / X


Metropolitan Elia of Oulu elected… – Basilica News Agency | Facebook

キリスト教/ローマ教皇フランシスコ聖下が、アッシリア東方教会首座/カトリコス=総主教 アワ3世 聖下と会見(2024年11月)

 2024年11月9日、キリスト教/ローマ教皇フランシスコ聖下(His Holiness Pope Francis)は、バチカンを訪問したキリスト教/東方教会(景教、通称:ネストリウス派、など)/アッシリア東方教会の首座/第122代カトリコス=総主教“マル”・アワ3世ロイェル聖下(His Holiness Mar Awa III Royel, The Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East)と会見しました。


 オーストラリア・ニュージーランド・レバノン府主教“マル”・メーリス・ザイア座下(His Eminence Mar Meelis Zaia, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon)、
 インド・南湾岸諸国府主教“マル”・アウギン・クリアコス座下(His Eminence Mar Awgin Quriaqos, Metropolitan of India and Southern Arab Gulf Countries)、
 ヌハドラ・ニネヴェ主教“マル”・アブリス・ヨウハナン座下(His Grace Mar Abris Youkhanan, Bishop of Nohadra and Nineveh)、
 ビクトリア・ニュージーランド主教“マル”・ベンジャミン・エリア座下(His Grace Mar Benjamin Elia, Bishop of Victoria and New Zealand)、
 バグダッド主教“マル”・エリア・イサーク座下(His Grace Mar Elia Isaac, Bishop of Baghdad)、


 教皇、アッシリア東方教会のカトリコス総主教と – バチカン・ニュース
 (英語:バチカンニュース)Pope: Christians in Middle East bear witness in lands martyred by war – Vatican News

 (英語:ローマ教皇聖座 公式ウェブサイト)To His Holiness Mar Awa III, Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East (9 November 2024) | Francis
 (英語:ローマ教皇庁 キリスト教一致推進評議会 公式ウェブサイト)2024 11 11 Pope Francis meets Catholicos Patriarch Mar Awa III


XユーザーのVatican Newsさん: 「Pope Francis meets with Mar Awa III, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, on the 30th anniversary of a key theological document. https://t.co/mo9eWLTHy6 https://t.co/bjXdUKRtTt」 / X


ܬܦܩܠܗ… – His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Mar Awa III | Facebook


 2024年10月31日、キリスト教/オリエント正教会/シリア正教会/ヤコブ派シリア教会(Jacobite Syrian Christian Church)の首座/インドのカトリコス/“モル”・バセリオス・トマス1世座下(バゼリオス・トーマス1世 : His Beatitude Mor Baselios Thomas I, Catholicos of India)が永眠したようです。

(バチカンからは、クルト・コッホ枢機卿座下らから His Beatitude Mor Gregorios Joseph, Metropolitan of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church 宛てに弔意が送られており、同府主教の敬称がカトリコスと同じ“His Beatitude”なのがわかります)
 (英語:ローマ教皇庁 キリスト教一致推進評議会 公式ウェブサイト)2024 11 04 In memoriam Mor Baselios Thomas I


XユーザーのMor Aphrem IIさん: 「ܠܟܘܡܪܟ ܐܢܝܚ ܒܝܢܬ ܟܐ̈ܢܐ ܒܪܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ. نيّحه يارب مع الابرار والقديسين. His Beatitude Mor Basilios Thomas, Catholicos of India. May he rest in peace among the saints. May his memory be eternal https://t.co/rRUGFTQs48」 / X


XユーザーのMor Aphrem IIさん: 「“Well done, good and faithful servant.. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’” Matthew 25:21 A short message to the faithful members of the church in 🇮🇳 India https://t.co/D19ioEaHcS」 / X


XユーザーのMor Aphrem IIさん: 「A Message of Condolences to our Church in India on the passing away of His Beatitude Mor Baselios Thomas I, Catholicos of 🇮🇳 https://t.co/2zSi5pMwKa」 / X


 (英語)Catholicos Baselios Thomas I, head of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, passes away, Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church head, Catholicos Baselios Thomas 1 i, latest kerala india news