キリスト教/ローマ教皇フランシスコ聖下が、(一般的に「モルモン教」などと称される)末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会のトップであるラッセル・M・ネルソン大管長 及び 十二使徒定員会のM・ラッセル・バラード会長と会見(2019年3月)

 2019年3月9日、キリスト教/ローマ・カトリック教会の首座/ローマ教皇聖座およびバチカン市国の絶対君主/ローマ教皇フランシスコ聖下(His Holiness Pope Francis)は、(一般的に「モルモン教」などと称される)末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会のトップであるラッセル・M・ネルソン大管長(President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)及び 最高幹部の十二使徒定員会【Quorum of the Twelve Apostles】M・ラッセル・バラード会長(President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)と会見しました。



 (英語)Pope meets Mormon leaders in Vatican | ROME REPORTS

ROME REPORTS in English:
Pope meets Mormon leaders in Vatican – YouTube


Church Newsroom:
President Nelson Meets with Pope Francis in the Vatican – YouTube


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsさんのツイート: "Prophet Meets Pope Francis at the Vatican @NelsonRussellM @BallardMRussell @Pontifex https://t.co/M3EWkoq554… "



https://bit.ly/2Ho6d6c – Mormon News Japan | Facebook


 (英語)Prophet Meets Pope Francis at the Vatican


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsさんのツイート: "The Vatican has released these photos of a historic first-time meeting between President Russell M. Nelson, President M. Russell Ballard and Pope Francis, March 9, 2019. @NelsonRussellM @BallardMRussell @Pontifex… https://t.co/5bPlakx7v9"


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsさんのツイート: "President Russell M. Nelson presented Pope Francis with a Christus statue and a framed Proclamation on the Family in Italian during their meeting today. @NelsonRussellM @BallardMRussell @Pontifex… https://t.co/IzyNyapv2Z"


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsさんのツイート: "President Russell M. Nelson said of his visit with Pope Francis today, “We had a most cordial, unforgettable experience with His Holiness. He was most gracious and warm and welcoming to President Ballard and me.” @NelsonRussellM @BallardMRussell @Pontifex… https://t.co/hAs35rQifB"


Russell M. Nelsonさんのツイート: "Today President M. Russell Ballard and I met with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican. He is a wonderful, gracious man. We have much in common. The differences in doctrine are real—and they’re important—but they’re not nearly as important as the things we have in common.… https://t.co/ACOHHazd2A"


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day… – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Facebook